So today i went for temporary job hunting at
KLCC since KPLI won't be anytime soon. most of
the stores gave me a shocking same answer.
NIKE : "Kita mmg nak pakai orang, tapi xnak
yang pakai tudung"
Topshop : "Sorry, pakai tudung xboleh kerja
Esprit : "emmm.." *laughs with the co-workers*
"we don't hire hijab people"
Isetan : "Selalunya kita tak ambil orang pakai
tudung kerja dengan kita"
and some other stores that gave the same
I've lived in the UK for 4 years, i've travelled
places in the Europe and North Atlantic, but
never have i felt disgraced by wearing a hijab.
And today in my own country i was disgraced
for covering my hair. Merdeka? Really? This is
clearly NOT an Islamic country. Even the UK is
not like this. I am disappointed.
(copy dari - keluhan seorang hamba)
Beginikah rakyat Malaysia? Yang mana majoritinya umat Islam ? Kemanakah hilangnya akidah kita ? Keimanan kita ? Semangat kita yang ingin menegakkan syiar Islam ? Renungkanlah, jangan sampai bala menimpa..